YouTube Capture App Fail Partial Upload Solution

There isn't too much troubleshooting information or support online, yet, about YouTube's Capture App for iPhone, iPad, etc, so I had to find out the hard way that evidently it is still failing quite a bit due to it's short life. It's probably not in BETA mode anymore because it's available on the App Store, but it sure behaves like it.

I normally use my iPad's native recording app to film saxophone video lessons that I then tranfer to my pc (because the native YouTube app doesn't allow you to upload videos longer than 15 minutes) and upload to YouTube. As you can see, this is time consuming and since I only have a 16gb iPad, I find myself needing to do this quite often.

So, in an effort to minimize my idle time waiting for videos to transfer from my iPad to my computer, I thought "why not just record with the new Capture app and upload directly, while I film another lesson." This idea sounded very effective and simple to be true and, sure enough, it WAS too good to be true. I had enough room to record (2) 15-20 minute lessons before needing to upload so that's just what I did. Everything was fine up to this point. However, when I tried to upload the first one it only uploaded the first 5:33 of it. Whaaat?!?!? I thought this must be a mistake and perhaps it was still processing the rest of the video so I waited for a few more minutes. NOPE! There still were only 5:33 minutes uploaded out of the actual 15:06 of the video's original length. I had an option B: transfer the original video from my iPad to PC the way I normally do: connect to PC and drag and drop video from camera roll to a folder on my computer. This worked.

Now for the second video, which is 19:53 minutes long, I tried uploading directly again to no avail: the app was only uploading the first 7 minutes of it, repeatedly. So, I once again try to transfer it to my PC via the usb cable, but now this video doesn't even show up in my iPad's camera roll. I have no idea where the Capture App put it. So, I panicked a little and started thinking of other ways to salvage this video so I don't have to remake the entire lesson again. Here's what I did:

On the YouTube Capture app, you can watch the full length of the video even though it will only upload part of it to YouTube. So, with that and the app's ability to trim videos in mind, I thought about dividing the original ~20 minute video into 3 pieces and uploading them individually. The only problem with this is that once you upload part of the video, the Capture app will not allow you to upload a different section from that same video until you use the "Delete from YouTube" feature. That's no good! So, the way around this is the following:

1. Trim the video to the size of no more than 7:00 minutes (this is the size that worked for me, other sizes might work also but I haven't tested). 

2. Upload that section of the video directly from the Capture app (label it "video name 1, 2, or 3 accordingly)

3. Once the upload is finished, wait a few minutes to allow it process and verify that the full 7 minutes was uploaded. 

4. Using the KEEPVID youtube download tool (, download the section you've uploaded in step 2 to an easy-to-access folder in your computer as you will be needing it soon. (I downloaded them in the 480 .flv format)

5. Once you're done downloading the video to your computer, delete the original upload from your YouTube account. 

6. Upload the copy you downloaded to you computer using the KEEPVID tool. 

7. Repeat steps 1-6 for the remainder sections of your video.

The process takes some time, but it's the only way I could think of so I wouldn't have to re-record the lessons I was missing in my camera roll all over again.